Bury Lane Farm (CL) Open: March to October

Site directions

Turn right off A3056 (Newport - Sandown) 1.5 miles past junction with A3020 (sp Merstone) and immediately before left bend. In 0.75 miles through village, turn left into Bury Lane - site on left in 100 yards. Ordnance Survey Ref: 196.SZ529848
Merstone Lane is plenty wide enough for caravans and the width restriction does not apply for access. It is only to stop coaches and big lorries coming through the village.


Latitude: 50.6601
Longitude: -1.2534

Site Contacts

Bury Lane
Isle of Wight
PO30 3DP

Name: Barbara Watts

Tel: 01983 528628

Mob: 07714 482055

Web: Website Link